The Last Of August, Brittany Cavallaro's second book in the Charlotte Holmes trilogy, was the 2017 release I most anticipated reading, and it exceeded my expectations soundly. Though I had no doubt that Cavallaro would do the traditions of Homes and Watson justice in this refreshing new incarnation (she is a devoted Sherlockian, to be sure), I wondered how she would managed to amp up the already palpable tension twixt the two. Fear not, fellow readers who have preordered the book and are poised to run to the mailbox and check for your copy: The Last Of August will leave you with just one lingering question--how will the trilogy's last volume close this amazing relationship arc? But, let's just fangirl about the artful cover for a second, okay?
...I really love how it shows vignettes from the mystery, and somehow seems to convey the motion even though it uses still images. They come alive! Oh, and speaking of that mystery? It takes the reader to fascinating locales. There are no shortage of plot twists along the way. And, as usual, Watson's hunger to solve the case and prove himself to Holmes is predictably endearing.
On a more serious note, I'd been wondering how the Holmes/Watson relationship dynamic would move forward, given Charlotte's obvious PTSD. I trusted the author not to gloss over emotional/psychological fallout from the events of A Study In Charlotte, and I was curious to see how these two vastly different characters would each deal with this issue when attempting to relate to one another in the midst of solving a second mystery together. Without giving any spoilers, I loved that things did not go perfectly, and I also appreciated that the struggle to connect after trauma was portrayed in a very realistic and sensitive way. Cavallaro really knows her characters and subject matter.
I wasn't lucky to snag an ARC of this on my own, but I WAS lucky enough that a kind lady by the name of Brianna shared hers with me. So, Brianna, thanks for letting me borrow your ARC, thus enabling me to write this review! You are full of awesome. If I get an ARC of book 3, I've got your back.
The Last Of August comes out on February 14th, so it isn't too late to preorder a copy. I wouldn't hesitate! I'm already looking forward to reading this book again.
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